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Thursday, July 31, 2008
hahahhaahhaas.. long time no blog. hahahahahahahs.. hope everyone is happie and all. HOHOHOS! becareful for the entire month of august!! hahahahs

today is so fast the last day of july. hahahhas.. one year rlly past very fast lehs.. hahahhaahhas. had slacked my time throughout the term.. so i shall, BUCK UP AR!! hahahahahas. LOL!! my results are quite of a disappointment.. hahhahas.. everyone around miie are doing better than miie.. WAD HAPPENED?? AM I SLACKING TOO MUCH? OMG! hahhahahas. anyways, i will still enjoy life with all my LOVES!! hahahahas. 08S02 and OG 10. hhahahahahahas. LOVE YOU GUYS ALL!! =)

hohoho. had a quite suay week. hahhahahas.. happily cut my hair into a super nice style. HOHOHO!! super love it and it is PUNK!! hahahahs.. totally love my new hairstyle.. by then there is someone who scolded miie crazy and told miie to do sth to my hair.. no choice but to go extend it with fake hairs.. LOL.. TOTALLY HATE THE FEELING!! I WANT MY HAIR!! OH HAIR!! PLS GROW!! for once, i wished for some of nic's fast hair growing genes. hahahahaha..

hahahhas. super happie today ba. hahahas. LOL.. the class finally decided our class tee. hohohos. and one suay thing.. i think i sprained my neck after playing netball with huimui ad hazlin they all on wed.. hahahs.. cant slp well.. =( hahhahas. and one happie thing, thanks to christopher, he got miie the piano score for the music of the 14th!! OMG!! TOTALLY LOVE IT!! HAHAHAHS!! THANKS CHRIS!! =) hhohohohohohoh.. decided to finally start my revision le. hahahahahhas.

hahahahhas. ppl!! jiayous for the end years and promos!! dun be sad with the results now.. JIAYOUS!! hahahahs. I AM GOING TO KOREA THIS YR END! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAS!!
stay forever happie ppl!!

always remember the sensation of happiness. it will help you against all sadness and misfortune where you have friends around you!! =)
9:10 PM

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
hahahas.. lol.

7th july:
lol.. youth day lehs. finally finished doing pw written report draft1.. hohohs. lol.. woke up late. was supposed to meet shenn, nic, shawn and leon at bb mac at 10. woke up at 10 instead.. hahahs.. reached there.. brought breakfast for them.. went to shawn's and rot and emoed for 1hour..
hahahs.. went to plaza sing.. after that realised that we should really go to marina square.. hahahs.. reached marina square.. went to eat yuki yaki with themm.. hohoohohohohs.. super nice steamboat man!! hahahs.. yupps.. imagine the pan we had for bbqing can be used for making icecream!! hahahahs.. lol.. ate a lot man! super ful sfter that.. went to walk around.. FINALLY BOUGHT A PULLOVER JACKET!! hahahs.. damn xin tong after that.. hahahs.. lol.. then went to bugis to walkwalk.. hahahs.. everyone of us bought a giodano tee.. MINE IS ORANGE!! hahahs.. lol.. miie and nic went earlier cos meeting frens. hahahas..

hohohos.. i was super late to meet joyce and xinyi for dinner at IMM.. but i was super full and broke.. in the end, i forced myself to eat cos they waited for miie for more than 30 mins!! yupps.. ate swensens with them. hahahs.. when i first saw xinyi, wad i said first was "wa! your breast grow so big ar!!" hahahahahs.. yupps.. then toked bout scandals and all. hahahas.. lol.. LOVE THEM AND MISS THEM TTBM!!. hahahs.. walked home with joyce. reached home and watched tv.. it was midnight til i realised that i didn do bio lor..hahahs.. lol..

8th july:
OMG!! super tired today.. i slept in every lesson i attened today man!! wads happening to miie.. lost my concentration and focus.. omg!! came home super early.. hahhaahs.. i am dead beat now.. hahahs.. chionging homework le.. someone pls put my life back into order!! =)
4:21 PM

Monday, July 7, 2008
hahahahahs.. omg.. overslept for pw meeting today.. in the end everyone was late..hahahs.. hahahs.. met yuting then abigail and did written report for the pw though.. did it til 3 plus.. then went home.. went swimming alone.. hahahs.. swam.. and met melissa in the same pool.. when we saw each other, and we go mad.
melissa: ehhhh..
miie: ehhh. are u.. OMG! why are u here?
and the conversation juz goes on.. hahahs.. lol.. hahah.. toked lots.. then we swamm hahahs..lol.. hahahs.. hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahs..
went home, folded one packet of stars, then went to makan at jp with family. hahhas.. lol.. woots..

reached home and played laptop.. ahahahs.. had lots of conversations.. hahahs.. toked with bernie who is hooked up to "hurry up and wait", then shing who sent miie lots of photos.. then with shenn, nic and shawn and leon bout tml.. lol.. hahahhas..

going to have an exciting youth day tml.. hahhas. first meeting up with OG10 for breakfast and the shopping.. hahahs. then next, GOING OUT WITH JOYCE AND XINYI for dinner and talking session.. omg. totally missing them man.. hahahs.. okies. finally finished draft one of written report man. phew.. hahahs..

happie birthday to zhicheng.. hahahahs. lol..

omg! wad is going wrong with miie.. lost control of the flight.. lost control of myself... omg.. EMOING!! =( pls save miie..
EMOING!! pls help miie..
where are you when i needed you..
where are you when i missed you?
where are you when i am the saddest, emoest..
emoing~~~ i wish i am dying now.. stop the clock of my life pls.. i really wanna rest..
i wanna rest and sleep endlessly..
12:34 AM

Sunday, July 6, 2008
hohohohos.. these few days are super emo la.. =( maybe i totally lost my laughter..

28th june:
hahahs. went to toned at shenn's was not that emo.. but slept super early cos that week was sleepless.. slept in nic's pullover hoodie.. hahaahs.. thanks a lot =).. as usual, shawn tried to sleep in between miie and shenn. again.. hahahs.. then, ate mac breakfast.. hohohos.. then left for ah ma house.. hahas.. nice food.. saturdays are sinful!!!

30th june:
oral exam.. hahahs.. lol.. dunno how la. super hard i think. the whole class went totally mad after the exam.. hahahas.. then mdm seetoh laughed til she cried i guess. hahas.. lol.. then studied with steven, bernie and zhepeng while waiting for nic and shenn.. hahahs.. first time finished math tutorial with steven's help.. hahahas.. thanks.. then walked to leon's house with nic, shenn and jacky and shawn. hahahs.. yupps.. lol. then lilong juz introduced miie and nic to the private server that drove nic and i mad!! hohohos! went home to try downloading the maple.. but i slept in the floor waiting.. hahahahs!!

1st and 2nd july:
hahahs. yupps. so fast half a year gone man. hahahs.. lol.. went to school with taoyan. hhaahs.. i missed her.. toked to her bout xin shi.. lol.. BOYS ARE SO INSENSITIVE!! lol. hahahas.. then lessons and all.. totally had no break that day k? OMG!! I TOTALLY HATE THE MATH TEACHER! cant speak english, dun let us eat during class.. OMG!! he sucked totally! dunno how to teach man.. PLS GO BACK AND TEACH YOUR 'ALL'-level KIDS!! yupps. super pissed man..

3rd july:
hahahs.. was quite happie for the forst half of the day. then....... hooikim gave miie and shing some xin li ce yan that made miie totally emo for the rest of the day man.. hahas.. the result was: when u like someone, u gave it all out. then u are shy to let the person know.. but when u want to let the person know, the person has someone else. sooooo.... then kim know bout miie and someone who is nearby us.. lol.. asked my close frens bout the thing. should i tell him? emoed rest of the day.. hahahs.. emoed with wanzi.. yupps... lesson ended.. stayed along with wanzi, shing, winnie, bernie, elysia and abigail.. waited for nic, shenn, and shawn.. then sent nic home after we shopped around hongkah point.. hahahs. dun feel that emo le.. went back to school.. folded stars with the class gals. hahas.. i start another trend.. hahahs. lol.. then the clas gals went home.. stayed along with shenn, shawn, leon, kim and jacky.. all emoing after physics.. haiz.. started the guess-song-game with kim and jachy.. HAHAHHAS! omg!! jacky is superb man. laughed til pain.. hahahs.. went home.. kim waited 185 with miie.. in the end dad drove miie home.. emoed all the way home.. played maple and did lots of pw til i slept on the floor. hahas.. i love my bedroom..

4th july:
hahahs.. lol. went to school with taoyan.. then emoed. hahahs.. with shenn bout ome stuff.. hahahs.. happie day with my class today cos eveyone started folding stars during class..hahas.. super tired.. slept during bio.. omg! even though there ae laughs with wanzi, steven and yongqiang. hahahs. lol.. had a super fun chinese lesson at the end of the day. hahahs.. mdm seetoh dun let yongqiang to go toilet and shit. hahahs. super funny.. even laoshi oso laugh like siao.. hahahs.. LOL!! yupps. stayed in school waiting for shawn and nic.. went to find them at hockey with wanzi.. hohohos.. then kana hit by the hockey ball.. kana blu-black.. hahahs. lol.. hahas.. continued to folding stars. then folded 17 for lihuan's birthday!! lol.. then wanzi they all did their pw, hahahs.. experimented on the diapers.. hahahs.. for more pics, look for wanzi's blog.. hahahas.. lol. OMG!! funny lehs.. yupps. went home with shawn, nic and wileen-anastacia-nicole-elizabeth-christanto.. hahahahs. lol.. went home..slacked..
met shawn and ate long john for dinner. then shenn came over and went to cafe cartel.. did crazy stuff by asking the waiter crazy questions.. hahahs. head to nic's blangah house to ton.. hahahs.. went there for a while, shenn and i knocked out immediately..

5th june:
hahahas.. woke up. postponed pw juz for the ton at nic's.. hahahas.. lol.. had mac breakfast again. hahahs. lol.. then went on to played maple and one very cute psp game called roco loco.. hahahs.. made miie addicted.. watched THE RING.. omg!! the last scene is super terrifying... my heart almost stopped.. hohohos.. then shenn and shawn went home, nic went to work and i head to ahma's.. hahahs. ate super nice sotong.. went to claire's to celebrate grace's birthday.. lol. hahahs. ate lots of food til bloated. ahahahahs. lol. claire(she is only 10!!) taught miie to rollerblade.. hahahahahas.. hohohohohoohos. super fun.. hahahs.. next time outing go rollerblading man!!! hahahahs. hohoho.. went home with mum and became super emo.. cant play maple cos there is no MONSTERS!! lol.. super bored now... OMG!!

lost track of everything.. lost control of so many stuff.. studies, emotions, frends, family and everything.. hahahs. on thursday.. mum saw miie listening to "hurry up and wait" and asked miie.. "why so emo today?" hahahas.. copied the lyrics of my favourite song.. esp the 2nd half of the second verse..
~ i have lost the control of the flight...
ahh yeahh yeahh
we ravaged the chances to shine......
hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait,
it's all that you can do now.~

omg.. i am super emo.. lost all control of myself.. everyone is affecting miie.. omg!! someone plas help miie to regain myself..
find my laughter=find yi-hahaha-xuan=regain yi-hahaha-xuan=everyone happie..
hahahs.. am i acting too strong outside? but i cant help it.. cos i dun wanna everyone to be affecte by miie.. HELP MIIE PLS!! =(
12:38 AM

profile here
yixuan (also known as yi-hahaha-xuan)
gess 2G'05
gess 4I'07
AJC 14/08
JJC OG10!! (super loves!!)
JJC 08S02!!(super loves!!)
nainai gang
hahahas.. welcome any of you to the inner me
I love:
singing and tonning
I want:
I-Pod classic
a more acceptable weight! ha!
refurnish my room and wardrobe
a flip-phone
go travelling, with my frens hopefully!
yi qing
May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009
picture rovenka
brushes x x
texture x
skin slayerette
Shout out

Listen to the Rain
It ends tonight - The All American Rejects -